Hunter Dyar

An Interactive Explainer for Positional Notation

I created an interactive exolainer for Positional Notation, aiming to teach the underlying principles of Binary and Hexadecimal notation.

This is a text/image lecture with interactive JavaScript toys, and a video that also walks users through some of the core concepts. In addition, I have taken the JavaScript toys and broken them off to their own webpages, like this color picker. The rest are linked on the main page.

Modular Educational Resources

For the students that are likely to zone out while reading a wall of text, I also made to sure to cover the most important topics in a video. I didn’t want to just make another version of the same lesson. Instead, my goal is to create a set of resources that could be taken all together, or used independently. The video, the web page, and the standalone JavaScript toys are all independently accessible and usable by students. I can teach by bringing the toys up fullscreen, or having students try them during an in-class exercise.

I could assign the videos, or just use them for students who miss class.

I hope most students will use a little of everything, but this modular approach to academic resource development allows me to not redevelop resources when I switch lesson plans, and so on.